
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Time Flies...Hello Summer Vacation!

Hi folks, Jessica here. Mom and I had been super duper busy these past few months that we did not realize we haven't posted anything new on this blog. Our apologies on that. We should do better. I guess from now on, as soon as we update our Facebook fan page, we should also update our blog right after. This way, we keep both sites up to date.

Well, first off, a non-cake related update about me. I have graduated from high school... yay! Finally, my hard work paid off. I finally wore the blue gown and cap. I felt so honored and proud on my graduation day, which was held on May 24th at the Vacaville Performing Arts Center in Vacaville, CA. My proud parents, grandparents (Naynay and Lolo), my uncles (Tito John and Tito Nel), auntie Mary Grace, grand uncle Tito Pros, and grand aunt Tita Linda along with my cousins (Annemarie, Angelica, and Claire) witnessed me, along with the other graduates of CAVA (California Virtual Academies) Class of 2012, marched and accepted my recognition. So happy also that I ended the school year with a bang-- straight A! I thought I would get a B on AP Calculus, but glad I got an A. I also graduated with the Dean's High Honor award. Sorry, bragging is not really my cup of tea, but I felt so happy with my accomplishment. It was the toughest year in high school.

So, what's next for me you ask? I am going to attend UC Davis (University of California in Davis) College of Biology this fall. I'm so excited to start this new journey. I'm taking pre-med, majoring in Genetics. I hope to someday become a successful doctor. We're moving to Vacaville, CA to be closer to my school. I really don't like to live on campus. I have so many activities outside of campus, such as church and JessiCakes Project, that is why I prefer to stay off campus and live with my parents. My parents and I are so close we do many things together as a family. Since I am still their dependent and an only child, they also agree that I should stay home. It's also economical this way. I don't have to pay dorm or rent!

Having studied at home with CAVA from middle school to high school, going back to the traditional brick-and-mortar environment may take a bit of adjusting. However, I am excited for what the future holds. I'm excited to meet new friends and professors.

In honor of my school-- I made these cake pops in their colors (well close.. supposed to be blue and gold not blue and yellow, but I do not have any gold tint for the fondant).

Here's to UC Davis! Here's to the future. Bring it on!


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