
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Honoring our Heroes!

Before I go on with this blog post, I would like to apologize for being inactive here and on our Facebook fan page lately. I know I may sound like a broken record, promising to post here regularly, but my busy college schedule (I am in senior now) and community volunteer work have been taking a toll on JessiCakes Project. My mom, who is my business partner, cannot do it all alone because of her busy schedule. At 51, she has a full time job, a part-time writing gig and also a household to help take care of. Her diabetes, which she has maintained well, is also another reason why we have slowed down. Most of our cake orders require all-nighters, which can take a toll on her health. Anyway, we will resume taking more orders in a month or two, but for now, we will only take small orders and call-to-action cakes for Icing Smiles.

Today is Veteran's Day here in the US. Because it is so...I am off from school. I would like to say to the brave men and women of the armed forces who risk their lives on a daily basis to keep the rest of us safe and free...THANK YOU! I appreciate all that you have done and still doing for our country. 

It's easy to lose track of what is important in our lives. Sometimes, we say just thank you without sincerity. As if, it is just an automatic thing. Have you ever said thanks and really meant it? I am sure you have one way or another, but have you been consistent in that gesture or are you picky? Without so much drama, a simple thanks and a handshake can go a long way. As for our brave soldiers, people often forget to thank them. Sometimes, they're subjected to ridicule. 

In the place where I live, which is close to an Air Force base, we see them almost daily. Many of our neighbors are from the Armed Forces. My dad befriended a lot of them because he is often outside playing with our dogs. I've learned from my dad, who is so vocal with his appreciations for their services, that to thank them is to greet them each day and show them you respect them. He often says make eye contact with them when you talk and don't forget to say thank you. Not only during Veteran's Day, but any day that you see them. 

 If you go out and see a Veterans Day parade today, reach out to the men and women in uniform. Thank them for their services! Hug them, shake their hands, wave to them,. Honk at them and give them a thumb's up if you are driving and happen to see someone on the street or another driver who may be in the armed forces. I'm sure it will make them very happy and will make their day! Try paying for a Veteran's gas at the pump or pay for his meal at a restaurant. I'm sure you can find a lot of ways to say thanks, even a smile can go a long way...every day!
In our case, we baked some cookies and handed them out to our neighbors...with a thank you note attached!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Year and Happy 4th Anniversary to Us!!!

It's hard to believe that we are already on our 4th year of operation. Wow! It feels great to be able to do my other passion-- baking while helping charities.

I know that I had promised in the past that I would be posting at least once a month to keep this blog going. However, my busy schedule at school (I'm now a junior in college) had, once again, gotten in the way. Although I am able to update our facebook fan page with new cake projects, posting photos and statuses, I would really like to keep this blog going. I feel awful that I had only been able to post minimally last year. It's a pity that the posts I made were not blog posts, but just to update the photos on this page. Nevertheless, I am so grateful to those of you who continue to contact us via our Gmail and facebook fan page to inquire about ordering our baked goodies.

So, this year my mother, who is also my business and baking partner, and I will be doing our very best to blog at least once a month. If we can do so once every week, we definitely would; however, we are also being realistic-- aside from baking, she has a full-time job and I am a full-time student with more challenging subjects to pass each quarter leading up to my graduation. As in the past, you can still follow us on our facebook page.

This year, we will also work on not just improving our social media presence, but also increasing our focus on our charitable work. One thing is for sure, we may not update this blog as often as we like to, but we will definitely make sure that we continue to do what we can to donate to the charities that we support as we have done in the past three years!

Thanks to all of you who had supported us the past three years and will continue to support us as we try to help make this world a little baked goody at a time!