
Friday, February 28, 2014

Just want to say hi!

Wow, it has been almost a year now since we last posted on this blog. We had been so busy with life (church life, family life, school life, work life, baking life, etc) that blogging took a backseat! Anyway, just dropping by to say hi to anyone who is following this blog and to who may stumble upon it just now.

We may not be able to blog daily, nor monthly (although, we may try our best to do a monthly post at least starting today), we always update our facebook fan page-- JessiCakes Project. If you haven't liked us yet, just click on the link or go to the facebook page tab on this website and it will take you there. We post photos of our projects there as soon after we deliver them. So, that's the best place to follow us.

We will post photos on this blog time permits. 

Hope you all are having a wonderful year so far like us! Take care. Until next post...whenever that would be. :)